These days, we hear more and more about viruses and death, and many concerns are raised by many people. We are concerned that churches are closed and no services are celebrated. We are concerned that services are celebrated behind closed doors and no communion is offered.
This Sunday (for Eastern Orthodox Church) we celebrate the Entrance of Our Lord in Jerusalem. The Lord entered Jerusalem on a colt of a donkey, not on a horse. Perhaps it is time for us to get off the horse, and embrace a more humble attitude towards our approach to the holies.
- Instead of speaking words of anger for not being able to attend the Church’s services, better sing joyfully, “Hosanna!”
- Instead of posting invitations for protests and disobedience, let us place on the ground our pride and our anger, so our Lord can walk over them.
- Instead of locking ourselves in church, let us proclaim the feast to our neighbors.
- Instead of forcing to open the church’s doors, let us open the doors of our souls, and let Christ enter in. Here, I invite you to pray:
Lord, do not rebuke us in your anger, nor chastise us in your wrath, but deal with us in accordance with your kindness, physician, and healer of our souls. Guide us to the harbor of your will. Enlighten the eyes of our hearts to the knowledge of your truth and grant that the rest of the present day and the whole time of our life may be peaceful and without sin, at the prayers of the Holy Mother of God and of all the Saints. For yours is the might, and yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and forever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.